
There is a buzz going around at the moment about all the retrograde planets currently hitting us like poison arrows. Some people are feeling drained, depressed, emotionally wasted and want to know WHY?? and WHAT can I do about it to keep SANE? I want to help you. I really do.

I truly hope this article will be a comforting balm to your troubled souls and ease the tension you are currently experiencing.

First of all, get your diary out and record the planetary retrograde dates for 2019.

JUPITER      –       10th April – 11 August (in Sagittarius)

MARS                    No Retrogrades in 2019      YAY!!

VENUS                   No Retrogrades in 2019  YAY!!

SATURN                30th April – 18th September (In Capricorn)

PLUTO                   24th April – 3rd October      (In Capricorn)

URANUS                August 12 – January 1st, 2020 (In Taurus)

MERCURY             7th July – 2nd August   (Cancer/Leo)

                                31st October – 20th November (Scorpio)

Got those dates recorded? Good. A retrograde planet does not mean it goes ‘backwards’ in the sky as most people think. No, it just means its path is temporarily disrupted. The word planet means ‘wanderer’ from the Greek planetes. We can understand the role of these ancient deities in the language of today – in common parlance we use words such as sunny, moony, mercurial, venusian, martial, jovial, saturnine.

Each planet has a different energy to bestow, so when it goes retro, it just means the energy of that particular planet is going to be disrupted or diminished. I consider it a time for JOMO — The Joy of Missing Out…on all the noise and mayhem around us. Time to go to the metaphorical desert and soul-connect. Reflect, Revisit, Re-consider, Re-configure – and emerge a wiser person. Drastic isn’t always bad – only if you resist the call to grow!

Retro season is when your soul knocks on your heart and wants to talk to you about matters of significance, which you may have chosen to ignore. Whenever you feel stuck, frustrated, or exhausted by life’s challenges, it’s part of your evolutionary growth experience in this incarnation. Soul needs to be fed just as much as body! Bon Appetit!

This is how the Retro Planets nag and force you to soul-connect.

The outer planets Pluto, Neptune, and Uranus are slower moving and can be massive in their impact on us. When a retrograde planet transits over specific planets in your birth chart, you can expect MAJOR overhauls to your way of doing life, seemingly forced upon you. Massive, as in health issues, change in job status – those BIG things that literally FORCE us to change. The things you have NO control over, such as job loss, health loss, disasters. You know what I mean. The house flooding, the fire that brought the house down, deeply painful things. But remember we are stronger than we realize and far more resilient.

The personal planets Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn are closer to the Sun and can be seen with the naked eye. Because they are closer to us, you will feel their impact more acutely in your daily life. Mercury retro you are all familiar with – the computer crashes, you get a fender bender, that real estate deal went south, you never got that text message, the waiter brought you a beef burger when you asked for the vegetarian one, etc. All those silly annoying little ‘disruptions’ in communication.

That’s Mercury, the planet of Communications telling you to SLOW DOWN, YOU MOVE TOO FAST! And if you don’t slow down, you’re going to get that fender bender, and yes, you’re going to forget your lunch box at home. Ha ha, during MR it helps to have a sense of humour – and, more importantly, attention to the small print of life!

JUPITER is currently retro. People don’t know as much about that. During this period, it behoves us to look at our diet and exercise program. We may be concerned more about our weight, body image, etc. Also, and I notice this one myself, we are questioning how we can be of service to the planet, climate change, etc. I’m definitely doing that! We are up-grading our ethics and values. Trying to be better citizens of planet earth. Bet you’re feeling it too?

PLUTO this bad boy has just gone retro today until October 3rd. Some people are feeling this one currently. They tell me they feel like they are being dragged in the mire of life, like they are stuck in a marsh of deep messy mud and can’t get out…that sinking feeling. The start of a retro phase is often when it is felt the strongestTake heart, this too shall pass. Everything does.

Pluto is retro in Capricorn. There is an awful lot of Capricorn going on out there. So if you’re feeling pressure, it may explain. Depending on what house it sits in your chart, that is where you will feel the pressure or poison arrows. You can look it up on free sites. See which house Pluto is in, and what sign. You will have a WOW moment. That explains!

Pluto is all about power, on a global scale, we are looking at our relationship to the systems and structures in our society that hold power over us. We may be critical, and certainly are concerned, politically and globally speaking.

On a more personal level, you will be looking deeper into your relationships with the systems that govern your ability to be fully in your own power and passion. You will be trying to find YOUR POWER WITHIN. Some people may be undergoing difficult divorces, trying to free themselves from relationships that stole their power, etc. Maybe that feeling of empowerment you yearn for could be in your career, etc. You get the idea. It’s all about the power within.

SATURN This pain body of a planet turns retro shortly on 30th of April until September 18th. And, to add insult to injury it is in its own sign – Capricorn! How powerful is that? Equally powerful is the pain some of you may be going through currently in your lives. The area you are feeling the pain, is likely the house Capricorn is sitting in, or the planets it is transiting.

Saturn can be pretty brutal! I have a particular affinity with the planet because it happens to be my ruling planet. I have overcome accute childhood shyness, and all those Saturnine rising challenges. So I know, it behoves you to work with Saturn and not against it!

Saturn retro can feel tedious, burdensome – almost like punishment when you ask yourself ‘What have I done to deserve this?’ You know what I mean? When you have gone through those painful moments, it is likely Saturn, a.k.a. the Old Devil, was nagging you into changing your life, for your ultimate good – it is always for your ultimate good! You’ll have moments when you feel like you’re being bossed, controlled or lack of control, etc.

Let me assure you, when it comes to Saturn, remember, ‘No Pain No Gain’.

He forces and nags you within to make those grown up changes that will ultimately benefit you in your life. Saturn has little time for laziness or self-pity – just saying!

URANUS This fire and brimstone planet, known as ‘The Great Awakener’ will be retro 12th August until January next. It was also briefly retro at the start of this year, so if you were feeling all riled up to make changes in your life, that may explain! When I think of Uranus, I think of rebellious teenagers, I think of electricity, sudden unexpected ‘where did that come from?’ moments within yourself, and from others too. You will be re-evaluating your relationship with yourself, and with others too. Maybe asking yourself ‘What am I doing here on Planet earth? What is my purpose? What is that person’s purpose in my life? Does that humanoid spark joy? or should I toss them — like master tidy up expert Marie Kondo suggests, for items or people who no longer spark joy.

NEPTUNE This planet which causes confusion and creativity, in equal measures, will be doing its retro dance from 21st June – 27th November. Like Saturn, it is also in its own sign, which is Pisces, but unlike Saturn, Neptune is not such a tough taskmaster! It pretty much leaves you to your own foggy woggy devices. When it’s retro, it might be a good idea to be more discriminating about the tenants you allow to occupy your head space!

Retreat more to your garden or private space. Its downside is brain fog and because it happens to be sitting in its own sign, Pisces, the fog will be dense! No drugs need apply! Keep your head about you as best you can. You will experience moments of confusion, but make no major decisions, until the confusion and brain fog clears. O.K.? Cash in on the moments of exquisite creativity, especially if you are a Pisces.

My Tips for Navigating Retro Periods

  1.  Take time to meditate each morning before the day begins. 5 mins.
  2. Breathe in, and connect with that rock of calm inside of you. If it’s not there yet, start building it.
  3. Be aware, be more mindful, do brief social media detoxes.
  4. Try and be close to nature and enjoy a solitary daily walk.
  5. Reflect and know everything happening is for your own good.
  6. Ask the Divine Master to help you on your journey of self-discovery.

Hope this knowledge soothes your soul.

Hugs Galore,
Patricia xxx


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