What Makes You Go Ga-Ga?




For me, it’s babies, chihuahuas, and fashion. Whenever I see these wonders of creation, my heart sings and I want to reach out and hug the world! That can be a problem, especially when I’m in company. I’m currently in Vancouver, where cute puppies are a fashion accessory, and little babies look so out-of-place, amidst the hustle and bustle of busy shoppers, and the fashion bargains are causing my happy hormones to hoppity hop hop. So much stimulation. Cafe Faubourg in Vancouver, is another one on my ga-ga list.

When I see a baby, or a chihuahua, I whistle at the little wow wow, until his tail wags, and make funny faces at the baby, until I get a smile back — it works. See how easy it is to make a baby smile, and a puppy wag his tail? Now, you can go do the same for yourself. Find that something that makes you go ga-ga and just do it! Tell the proud parent that their baby is the most beautiful baby you have ever in your life seen. Now, you have made parent and baby happy — and yourself into the bargain, for being so nice. Happiness is truly catching!

Getting a great bargain at the sales also makes me go GG. This past week, I lucked out at J.Crew, Banana Republic, and Ralph Lauren. My daughters were truly in awe at my bargains. At J.Crew, I snagged a fabulous pair of silk pants reduced from $193 to $33! I had fallen in love with them at Christmas, but said I would defer gratification until the sales. It worked! Chez Banana Republic I got a fabulous necklace reduced from $68 down to under $8, and a cute black top reduced from $95 down to $39.

Looking good really doesn’t have to cost that much, as long as you shop with discretion! As a Boomer Babe, I go for quality, and for items that I can mix and match with existing pieces in my wardrobe. That’s why I love Ralph Lauren. All his clothes match each other perfectly. I have been buying his clothes for more than 20 years now, and have never thrown out a single piece yet. Crazy, but his fabrics and fashion seem to go on forever!! I save time by only shopping in the shops where I know I will get both quality and style at a good price too!

Have fun doing what makes your heart sing!!


Patricia xxx




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