
Hi Friends!

How’s it going with you? Good I truly hope!! In my little patch of paradise, Christmas is now in full swing! Bells, baking, glitter and garlands — the whole shebang! I love Christmas, though truth be known, in my first few years as an Emigrant to Canada, not so! I missed my family back in Ireland so much! My heart ached for them, as Christmas is such a family time. I would pass homes on the street filled with families celebrating, grannies, grandpas, aunties, uncles and I’d return home, sad. That was then — but this is NOW!!


Through Christmas tears, I battled through for Kevin and the girls. I realized the true meaning of the word JOY! Somebody once told me, and it stuck. J for Jesus. Put Christ into Christmas. O for Others. Lastly, Y for Yourself! So when you put yourself last, put Jesus and others before you — that is the secret of JOY! Simple, but ever so true!

Ask not what Christmas can do for you – but what YOU can do for Christmas!! So off I went on my Christmas Miracle experiment – and thank God, I have never looked back!! I got out my gratitude journal, my people-in-need list, a little book suggesting 100 ways to bring Christ into Christmas and WOW!! My Christmas world exploded!! I decided to write Christmas cards to people I knew could never return the favour, but who would enjoy! Do 12 Acts of Mercy for the 12 Days of Christmas — or at least endeavour to make at least 12 people happy during the 12 days!! I put my creative hat on and began to conceive ideas for creating a joyful Christmas. As a family, we began our own little traditions, which continue to this day. Driving around to look at the Christmas lights, etc. I began baking, something I never did in Ireland! I now make my annual Almond Roca to give to friends and loved ones. Simple things, yet bring great JOY!


For Christmas, I turn my home into a haven of glitter and decorations that would put Chevy Chase to shame! Brighter is better! Right Chevy? I have the Christmas music playing non-stop as I love it! I remember the joyful memories of my childhood Christmases in Ireland and try to impart them around me. My dear Mother was very kind. She told me that Christmas was a time to remember the lost and the lonely, the sad and the poor. I can remember fondly the sight of her wrapping up boxes of chocolates for people who lived alone in the country, and writing Christmas cards to people she knew did not have the money to do the same. JOY in action!


So, if you are feeling sad or neglected, exhausted from the challenges of 2020, didn’t sleep last night, yet woke up this morning, take heart my friends, you are loved! And yes, there are people whose day you’d make by just giving them a smile. It costs nothing, but creates ever so much! JOY is all around us… I wish you a Christmas that brings you immense Joy, Peace, and Love.

Love you!

Hugs and Kisses from Coco and me.

Patricia xxx



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