
Last week when I was out shopping, I saw bunches of bananas on a shelf begging to be brought home — nobody wanted them. Such a sad state of affairs. I mean, who wouldn’t want a banana? Off they trotted home with me. When we arrived home, I was suddenly overcome with a charge of energy, took out my colourful mixing bowls and decided to try a new banana bread recipe. My oven kept churning out banana bread and muffins like I was feeding an army! The heavenly aroma in the kitchen had even Coco on a high!


After they had cooled down, I brought some muffins over to a neighbour who tragically lost her husband during a cruise in March. He died suddenly, a fit and healthy man of 72 who went to the gym 3 times a week. Carpe diem! They were joyfully received. Next on my banana bread mission was another friend going through a difficult time. It was such a sweet surprise for her that she began inviting in people to share it. And so the banana bread party had begun! I gave another half dozen to an elderly friend who loves her sweet treats. She too was overjoyed! Another one to my neighbour who has been very helpful and cheerful over the past few months. Covid-19  has inspired us all to smile more. We’re all into Carpe Diem! PEACE UP MAN!

My neighbour’s beloved dog died on Saturday. She was overcome with sadness as she never had children. Her dog was her life to her for the past 12 years. As luck would have it, I had a banana bread ready to give to somebody else. I went to visit her and offer my condolences on the loss of her dog. She was delighted when I gave her the loaf of banana bread. Something really comforting about a homemade loaf just warm from the oven…and a cuppa tea.

Now, I was short one for my other friend I had promised a loaf to!! By this time, all the bananas had gone — all gone! I had to return to the shop and buy more. I dropped off the loaf to my friend visiting from Ireland before she returns. She too was delighted.


Who would have thought those bunches of speckled bananas could bring so much joy — or another thought, who would have thought how lonely our lives can be if we just dwell on our own problems…I’ll leave you with this thought — Who can you be a Sally Sunshine to today?

Happy New Week!

Hugs from Coco and me xxx



    • Yes, honeybee I’m not surprised. Those banana muffins and loaves were very well received!!

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