What Goes Around Comes Around…


I love that expression as it can apply to almost anything in our lives. Take old age — we begin our lives being spoon fed and wearing diapers…see where this is going? I don’t want to depress you lovely boomer pals, but it is what it is — old age happens — and it happens to be nearer us boomers than it is to teenagers! How do you want to spend your golden years? What’s your vision? Think…

I was thinking about this a lot recently as many of my friends are in their 70s, 80s and 90s. In my dreams, I’d like to look like Jane Fonda, and have the wit and joie de vivre of Betty White. But nobody gets out of life alive — that’s for sure!

It brought to mind an article I read some months ago (here is the link) about a home for the elderly in Holland. I found it really uplifting. In exchange for digs, young people would help out with the elderly and chat to them. So you had young and elderly living together in what seemed like perfect harmony.

Our youth are struggling financially, our elderly are struggling with loneliness — why not merge the two and fill a huge gap in the market? It’s a win win win situation!



Image: https://www.lds.org/youth/activities/bc/images/Activities/Service/visit-the-elderly

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