
Hi Guys,

Fasten your sanity belts! We’re in for a good jolt of adventure in 2020 as the Planets continue to take us hostage, and taunt us with their tumultuous and downright bizarre behaviour. What are they doing up there? many of you ask in frustration. Why can’t they start behaving themselves? A good question, but they have work to do — and that is to rein us in and give some respite to Mother Earth. The structures of our society were beginning to crumble, the graffiti was on the wall, Global warming, etc. It’s payback time now and boy do we ever know it! It’s all because we are transitioning from one Age into another. I find the whole concept of a New Age dawning totally fascinating, so I’ve been busy studying it. It helps me to understand the planetary process. I always knew there was a method to their madness and that we humanoids are just a tiny speck on the horizon. Trust me, the powers ‘Up Above’ know what they are about. They have been doing this an awful long time. As Above, So Below!

FYI every 2100 years the earth retrogrades into each of the 12 signs. For the past 2100 approx. we have been living in the Age of Pisces. It takes approx. 25,868 years to visit all 12 signs. When you do the math 25,868 divided by 12 = 2100 approx. This precession of the zodiac was discovered by the Greek Astronomer Hipparchus of Nicaea (c 190 – 120 bc). The Age of Pisces co-incides with the Age of Christ and Christianity. The Pisces period has been marked by the formation of the various religions in our world today. Astrological historians have done a lot of work researching this and discovered that before we transition into a new age, there are rumblings, upheavals, etc. in the world. This was the case in Rome prior to the dawn of the Age of Pisces. It takes over 100 years for a New Age to really manifest. But then it stays a long time!

Astrologers differ in their opinion as to when the Age of Aquarius began. Some say the 1960s. Others say it will take longer. It’s a matter of opinion. I definitely think it has begun already. Something this big has to have a reason. Besides, in 2021 we will see a lot of the big planetary players like Saturn transition into Aquarius.  I have seen a huge shift in our society in the past 20 years. The Age of Technology has come a long way but nothing compared to what is yet to come! The Age of Aquarius will be marked by genius inventions and scientific discoveries. We’re talking over two thousand years here, so alas, I may not get to see it all lol! But the glimpses I do get are indeed very exciting! A unigender society marked with equality, fraternity, and scientific discoveries. Astrology will be massive again like it was centuries ago, before Astronomers kicked us out of the bed! Yes to that! Uranus, the genius planet that governs Aquarius rules electricity, astrology — and truth. Amen!

The plan for us here on earth is to slow down the pace of life in 2020. The planets, by all going retrograde, almost at the same time, will ensure this happens. They are retrograding like I have never seen planets do retrograde! When planets are retrograde, it’s a time of reflection, rather than a time of action. Currently, Uranus, Pluto, and Neptune are all retrograde. Pluto, the power planet will be retro until October 4th. Neptune, the nebulous one is retro until November 29th, Uranus, the unpredictable planet is retro in Taurus the money sign, until August 15th. So things are going to be up and down economically and by no means stable. We’ll talk about the eclipses a little later. That’s more excitement!

This week more planets turn retrograde. Saturn, the tough taskmaster, goes retrograde today until September 29th, followed on Wednesday by Venus, the Goddess of beauty and money. Venus will stay retrograde until June 25th. Jupiter then goes retrograde on May 14th until September 13th. Finally, on June 18th Mercury goes retrograde until July 12th. What a year of retrogrades! So if sometimes it feels like all our efforts to move forward are being stymied, this may well explain. Clearly, the powers that be don’t want to rush the job in hand! We have to change and change takes time. Whenever a planet is retrograde, it means its energy is directed within. I call it lazy energy, or in the case of Mercury, careless. The energy of the planet is not as strong as it could be. We need to focus our energy on the inner world. Self-connection. Finding our truth. That makes sense as we’re spending more time alone and have time now to think about our lives. It’s a gift that needs to be appreciated. Tough Love some would say.

Chiron, a minor planet of healing is currently in the sign of Aries. It was in Aries in the mid-1960s and during the roaring 1920s. So if history is to repeat itself, it was indeed a time of individual expression and change. Uranus, a volatile and unstable planet is currently in the sign of Taurus, the money sign, until 2026. We can expect our economy to have its ups and downs. Again, not as stable as we would like.

We have five eclipses coming this year. In astrological jargon, they are called Drama Queens, and with good reason. Both solar and lunar eclipses bring massive shake-ups and surprises. Solar eclipses are all about doors slamming in our faces, and new ones opening. It can be a time of great opportunity, but equally a time of challenge. Lunar eclipses on the other hand are about letting things go that no longer serve us. The eclipses activate the North and South nodes in our individual birth charts, also referred to as our ‘karmic pathway’. So to see how they will affect you personally, check the house position and sign of the nodes in your chart. The eclipses will illuminate some birth charts more than others.

Each year, there are about 3-7 eclipses and they occur in clusters. A nearly two-year long eclipse series began on the 13th of July, 2018, illuminating the Cancer/Capricorn axis, shifting our public perception of safety (Cancer) and authority (Capricorn). Since then when you think about it, matters of the planet and global warming have been in our faces ever since. Those recent bush fires in Australia, and closer to home, Fort McMurray in Northern Alberta had savage fires causing the city to be evacuated. Just recently they had massive flooding. Some people lost their homes both in the fires, and now in the floods! As regards safety, the current Coronavirus epidemic speaks for itself.

When it comes to Authority (Capricorn), we just need to look at the current political playing field. It’s clear many people are unhappy with their leaders, as in the U.S.A. So yes, I can relate to that Cancer/Capricorn axis being illuminated. The final eclipse on this axis will occur on July 5-6, 2020, when a total lunar eclipse at 13 degrees Capricorn concludes this 2-year cycle.

2020 brings a series of eclipses upon the Gemini/Sagittarius axis, starting with the lunar eclipse on June 5th in the sign of Sagittarius. Retrograde Venus will be in Gemini at this time, making activity around money and spending matters a lot more tricky. Both Gemini and Sagittarius are very sociable signs. Sagittarius tends to take risks and be adventurous. My take on this June 5th eclipse is that people will be chomping at the bit for more social activity, and will become more daring in this regard! The sluice gates will be opening! I already see that on the beaches around here as the sun blazes down. People will be choosing adventure over fear! I guess that is easy to predict.

Below are our Eclipses dates:

Friday, June 5th Lunar eclipse in Sagittarius.

Sunday, June 21st, Solar eclipse in Cancer.

Sunday, July 5th, Lunar eclipse in Capricorn.

Monday, 30th November, Lunar eclipse in Gemini.

Monday, 14th December, Solar eclipse in Sagittarius.

So June 5th, we will be chomping at the bit to get moving and out and about. June 21st, some of us may begin to worry again about our safety, and question ‘should we be more cautious?’ July 5th, we will be questioning the authority and decisions made by our Governments with regard to the Coronavirus epidemic. The last two eclipses are coming near Christmas, the most sociable time of the year for many. You can see with that Gemini/Sagittarius axis illuminated, people will want to break free!! So, between retrograde planets coming and going for most of the year, as well as the eclipses, we are in for some adventure.

Remember, it’s how you react to all this excitement! That’s what really matters! At the end of the day, we all know this current world mess is not going to go away overnight. There are consequences, challenges, and many changes to deal with, as a result of the pandemic. Patience is a virtue that needs to be cultivated in 2020. For your own sake, stay grounded as best you can. Keep your eye on the big picture. Know this all needs to be done, for the sake of our planet, if nothing else makes sense to you. You will agree, Mama Earth is looking better for the rest! She really does want us to love her more and take responsibility for our actions on society.

Please be kind to yourself and those around you. We’re all suffering from growing pains, and trying to make the best of it. There is comfort in camaraderie. It’s a time to spread love like you would butter on toast — lavishly! We have more time on our hands currently to do this. Use this time wisely. It’s a gift from the Gods. Use it to repair your relationship with yourself and others.  We will not always have it. Maybe some day we will all look back on this time of great pause in our lives and actually miss it! There certainly will be stories about the ‘Great Pause’. As for the money — it will take care of itself. It always does!

Keep fighting the good fight!

Patricia xxx



  1. Patricia, how interesting and informative your latest blog has been …. you’re very knowledgable ….I only wish I knew more on the subject matter to be able to understand it so that I can be prepared to deal with and move along with the planetary movements.
    Cheers, Marie

    • Hi Marie, delighted you found today’s blog informative. I think in 2020 we all need to be kind and patient
      with ourselves. Things are happening that really are beyond our control. Stay grounded and enjoy the little
      things of life, a nice cup of tea, a walk in nature, and of course keeping in touch with loved ones. Cheers!

  2. Wow! This is one of the best posts I’ve seen yet. I’ve been doing a lot of research into the current celestial affairs, and this makes total sense. Thank you for outlining the days and what to expect. I feel a lot better now!

    Hugs from Paris, France XXX

    • Hi Celine, so glad you found the blog helpful. Yes, it is indeed the dawning of the Age of Aquarius! Peace & Love!!

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