
Hi Guys,

I awoke this morning to a glorious sunny Sunday. It seems our magnolia tree has blossomed overnight. Blues skies, pink magnolia, yellow house. All the colour I needed to help me rise and shine! And Coco licking my face to wake up and “Feed me Momma!” Life goes on but it’s Sunday, and I will miss my Sunday ritual with Kevin of Mass at 11.00 a.m. at St. Andrew’s Cathedral, followed by a stroll around town and brunch at Murchie’s Cafe or Bean Around the World in Chinatown, our two favourite places to Sunday brunch. My feet are itching to get walking again!

The day decided early on the way it wanted to progress so I just went with the flow. Phone calls to friends took up a lot of happy time. It was great connecting with my pals in Calgary and Victoria and hearing how they were coping with the social isolation, etc. Phone calls with friends and FaceTime with our children is making this whole Quarantine thing doable! I may not end up a mad cow after all!

Another sweet surprise was listening to a virtual concert on Facebook and hearing my brother-in-law Robert, and nephew, William serenade us with us with beautiful music. I just loved their rendition of my favourite song ‘It’s a long long way from Clare to here’. Their dog barking in the background really appealed to Coco too and her ears cocked up every time she heard a bark. Sweet! I also enjoyed listening to Oprah’s Soul Sunday on Youtube. Today, she was interviewing one of my favourite singers, Alicia Keys. What an inspiring duo and a very uplifting interview. I would recommend it if you are looking for some food for the soul!

As another peaceful sunny day came to a conclusion, I thanked God for everything and all the joys, both large and small, that came my way! Deo Gratias!

Hugs from my home to yours!
Patricia xx



2 Comments on “DAY 3: SOCIABLE SUNDAY

  1. What a beautiful day. I also watched Oprah and Alicia—a very dynamic duo. Looking forward to reading tomorrow’s post.

    • Thanks Charlie! Glad you enjoyed my blog. Hope you are managing to keep cheerful in these daunting times!!

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