
Why is it that every time I am thinking about loved ones in Heaven, I find a coin! ALL the time!! Usually a dime, with the image of a ship on it. My mother always believed that ships were a symbol of good luck (as in ‘Your ship’s coming in!’) I’m not the only one who finds coins from departed loved ones.  Several of my friends have experienced those ‘Pennies from Heaven’ and usually in random places too, such as under a tree, stuck in a couch, etc. – just to draw your attention!! Here is my recent magic moment which I had to share because it was so special!

Thursday morning, the sun was beaming gloriously through my bedroom window, illuminating the whole room,  nagging me to rise and shine! Out came the walking shoes. Pronto! You have to be quick before the sun changes its mind!! I drove to Willows Beach, the most beautiful place in the world and began my walk, determined to put in my 10,000 steps. Are you putting in yours? I digress…

As I was walking along the promenade, taking in all the early morning buzz, watching people on the beach hurling sticks at their dogs to catch, joggers sweating it out, ravenous crows foraging for scraps, everybody busy about their morning routine, I suddenly, quite out of the blue, had a very strong Mammy and Daddy moment. One of those precious moments when you know your loved ones are close… I could see their smiling faces, hear their voices in my ear. They knew I loved my ‘little walks’ and I knew they would love to be walking the promenade with me, chatting away like we used to do. But, hey, they were walking with me, I could feel their presence, just couldn’t see them. If I was in any doubt, they threw me a sign to let me know Heaven was only a whisper away!

At that precise moment, something lying in the sand was blinding me with its brilliance. I had to inspect. Curiosity got the better of me so I jumped off the clean concrete sidewalk to get to the beach. The shiny object had distracted me from my power walk, and I was getting sand in my sneakers. It was a silver dime which had caught the sun’s rays and appeared much bigger than it was! A penny from Heaven! Yes, Mammy and Daddy, you sure let me know you were with me yesterday!!

Don’t you just LOVE those magic moments which draw pennies from Heaven!!

Happy Hugs,

Patricia xxx


    • Thanks Vicky! Yes, our loved ones in Heaven are just a whisper away!! It’s always a comforting feeling!!

    • Thank you so much Scarlett. Your kind comments made my day! I write from the heart!

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