
As a happy-go-lucky Pollyanna type, I prefer to accentuate the positive, and eliminate the negative in life. I don’t like to mess with Mr. In-between, as in Mr. Schadenfreude! But, I can’t deny it, Mr. S. seems to be a very popular fellow these days! His charm immeasurable – or so it would appear. Translated, Schadenfreude means ‘Joy in other’s misfortune’. Whenever I see him in action, I cannot help but laugh. Sometimes, life really does require a generous helping of humour to get past the cynicism!

I became aware of Schadenfreude when watching reality tv shows like American Idol where Simon Cowell would savagely demolish contestants. Then those deafeningly loud fighting spats going on between the Housewives, which require you to turn the volume down, or better still, wear ear phones. Their fights seem to be getting dirtier by the day! There’s an awful lot of mean going on in our world today folks and Pollyanna and me aren’t a bit happy about it! I even see it on Facebook, or as some people call it ‘Fakebook!’. People prefer sad posts. No Happy, please!! We’re allergic to happy people. Misery loves company.

When I post sad, morose stuff like my darling dog of 17 years has died, my late Mother’s anniversary and I miss her, I’ve twisted my ankle and I’m writhing in agony, etc. — WOW! a deluge of people from a past life come out of the FB woodwork, knocking down the doors to like the post. Where did you guys come from? I rarely hear from you? Why do they prefer my sad posts? I wondered… But it goes against the happy grain for me to remain stuck in negativity, or to wear sad sombre clothing. I’m a Chinese Rooster after all!! We like to make happy noise and razzle dazzle!! No Schadenfreude on Boomerbabelife!

When I mentioned the fact that all my misery posts on FB get massive likes to a friend, the response was, “They are not sad your dog died, or you’re missing your mother, or that you are in agony with a broken ankle. No, they are happy you are sad, that’s why they liked your post.” What? I thought to myself, are people really that mean? I mean are they?

As somebody who likes to believe and see the good in others, it takes me longer to digest the fact that yes, people can be mean. My more rational and realistic spouse says so in no uncertain terms. He is a realist. I’m an idealist! I personally don’t hang around with the Schadenfreuders or Debbie Downers of this world. They don’t spark joy in me, and in many cases try to rob it from others.

So, my friends, if ever you see, or notice, Mr. Schadenfreude in action, beware! Give him the heave ho! Show him the door! He is up to no good and is barred forever from Boomerbabelife. This is a Pollyanna Only Playground!

Hugs Galore,
Patricia xxx

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