
Hi Guys,

Love is all around us – or at least people looking for love! I have just finished watching one such show ‘Love Without Borders’ which followed the lives of couples who were matched up by a Psychologist and Relationship expert. Sadly, none of them worked out. One girl even went so far as to say ‘We were not astrologically compatible!’ She was right about that, I would not have put a Gemini man with a Pisces woman either. Of course, there are exceptions to every rule, particularly if there were many other compatible elements in their individual charts.

So how do you find ‘the one’? Where do you even begin? Let’s say you have just started to navigate one of the many on-line dating sites, I would suggest that you narrow your search engine to your Top Five most compatible signs. If an individual will not divulge their birthdate, well then to that I would say ‘Move On!’ Because if a person has a closed mind and is not willing to look at all aspects of compatibility, he or she is not worth pursuing. Besides – they are no fun either!!

How to find your Top Five:

Choose somebody who shares your particular element, for example let’s say you’re a Virgo, your fellow earth signs would be Capricorn and Taurus. These individuals would share your earthy sense of humour, and like you, are reliable, practical, hard working, and ambitious. A good fit. You can also look to the complementary element of water. The water signs are Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. This is how you would find your Top Five.

In Astrology, there are four elements:  Earth, Air, Water, and Fire. As a rule of thumb, earth and water signs get on really well, or so I have found over the years. Just like earth needs water to survive, so too does water need earth to contain it.

Equally, fire and air signs get on really well. Just like fire needs air to fan it, so too does air need fire. This is an intellectually good combination.

Fire Signs:                      Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

Air Signs:                       Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

Water Signs:                   Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

Earth Signs:                    Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

Of course there are a myriad of other aspects at play in relationship astrology, not just your Sun sign! Which can throw things off a bit!! One has to look at the moon and rising sign of each individual, the position of Mars and Venus, etc. LOTS of other stuff going on to stoke the fire of love!!

As well as looking at the Top Five contenders for your heart, you need to know yourself and what you need, to find love and contentment in life. Begin by knowing your Sun, Moon, and Rising signs – the Holy Trinity, as I call them – the backbone of your astrology chart.

Your sun sign is the ‘real you’ and is determined by your day of birth. The moon sign is your emotional response to life, and is also determined by your day of birth. The rising, or ascendant sign is the sign rising at the time of your birth. This is your physical appearance, and how you wish people to see or perceive you – the voice you put on the phone, or ‘the door of your house’ – metaphorically speaking.

Over the years I have noticed in couples who have sadly parted ways, they will mention ‘This is not the person I thought I was marrying’.  Of course, they only saw the rising sign, which is not the ‘real you’. Your sun sign is the real you.

You deserve happiness! This is a good way to start your search by knowing YOU and knowing the ‘Significant Other’. I can think of no better way than astrology to guide you in your search for love. Good Luck!!





2 Comments on “LOVE IT IS A FUNNY THING!

  1. Interesting!! But you do need to know the full chart. I’m Virgo and don’t find other earth signs that exciting 😅

    • I’m delighted you brought up that point Vicky. And this is something I will be addressing in future videos. We need to also look at the signs which occupy the planets Mars and Venus in your individual chart. Mars and Venus represent your love and sexuality, and who you are attracted to. So while you may be a Sun Virgo, and have other significant earth in your chart, your Mars is in Gemini, an air sign, and your Venus is in Libra, also an air sign. So, while I still prefer matching up Sun and Moon signs from an elemental and compatibility point of view, we need to look at where that individual’s Mars and Venus are also placed. Compatible couples are well matched when the majority of their planets are well aligned. So if you have not yet found ‘the one’, it’s worth pursuing the search!! As is said in my video ‘There is a mate for every soul!’ It’s like shopping for clothes, some days are frustrating and you can find nothing that fits you, and then one day, Eureka!!!! You find that perfect piece!! Love is like that. You’re a Virgo, so need to realize that perfection does not exist. Perfection is accepting ourselves and others for who we are. Knowledge is Power. The Sun and Moon in a chart are very powerful, so having these two in harmony is still the best way to start… Love is all about serendipity. When the ‘Right’ one comes along…you will know. The pieces will come together just like a jig saw. You have to believe… And you have to never give up!!! Persistence is the Mother of Miracles. Hope that answers your question. Each birth chart is a Masterpiece of God. A jigsaw waiting to be put together…with love and patience.

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